----- Original Message -----
From: Ed A. Dugas
To: Ed@EvergreenLa.org
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 2:37 PM
Subject: 08 08 23 Update www.EvergreenLa.org

Dear Pelicans,
News Stories:
Three news stories have recently been posted - Martin "Sonny" Cox Update, Little Flower Church Fair Scheduled for Sept. 13 & 14, and Cottonport Dinner Theatre "Cooking for the King" 2008.
Also, please click on Obituaries on the right side of the News page.  The obituary for Robert "R.L" Laborde has been added.  He is the husband of Beverly Ann Riche' Laborde, EHS Class of 1954.
What do Martin Cox, Barbara Aymond Bowman, Dr. John Smith and Dr. Everette "Hayes" Barman have in common?...They took time to write a brief update for  the News so other Pelicans could learn of some of their life highlights.  Please consider sending your update so interested Pelicans can be informed.   
Class Rosters Compilation Continues:
Finishing Touches
Some finishing touches and updates were added to the 1950-59 Class Rosters. Special thanks are extended Martin "Sonny" Cox, Ronnie Galland, and Joyce Rachal for providing additional information and clarifications.  Please email updates so each CR can be kept as accurate as possible.  There are some married names missing for some of the female listed and also there are some deceased members who are not properly identified.  Your help is appreciated.
Near Completion 
Class Rosters for the 1960-69 years are near completion. Thank you to those who have helped compile the listings.  The high school class for 1965 contains only two students: Larry "Pete" Jude Riche' and Joseph Williams.
Please send any information you may have on that class so this era can be posted on the website.  Other class listings for this era are near completion.
Next CR Challenge
If you attended EES during the 1970-88 years or if you know of someone who did, please email their name to me and identify the years.  The decades of the 70s and 80s will be serious challenges, as started with blank slates and now have a few names. 
Names and email addresses continue to come in each day.  Please know that those of you who continue to provide these are appreciated.  Pelicans from the class of 1939 to the 1988 class have emailed information to us.
Special thanks to Debbie Riche' Molan for designing the Evergreen Address Book spread sheet.  If anyone is willing to enter the information which has been compiled, please email me.  You may address this task at your leisure and the correspondence can be handled by email.  Thank you.
Peace, Ed Dugas