Raymond Ducote Honored at Surprise 80th Birthday Party

About Evergreen

Published July 19, 2008

On Saturday June 7, 2008  Raymond Ducote was honored at the Evergreen home of his daughter, Julienne Ducote Spencer.  Arriving at their home at the designated time, he and Amanda were very surprised to find family and friends in much greater numbers than he had expected. In typical fashion, he shared the spotlight with Amanda, his wife of 59 years. 
His children hosted the party, including Richard & his wife Joy, Julienne and her husband Tracy, Wayne and his wife Susan, Joel and his wife Laura, and Anita Gabriel and her husband Scott. The 10 grandchildren with their spouses or guests were also in attendance, along with his 4 great grandchildren.

The celebration was hosted as an openhouse in the back yard of Tracy and Julienne, under the large pecan trees with the neighboring cattle pasture as a background.  All in all it was a joyfull occassion.  The weather was beautiful and 69 guests were in attendance to participate in the surprise.  

Raymond was pleased and jovial and will always remember this great day. 
Pelican Footnote:  Mr. Ducote was a long-time faculty member at Evergreen High School and resident of Evergreen.  His Memories Letter is a most interesting read.  Congratulations to him on this special milestone and for the dedication with which he served the school, the community and his church.
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